Monday, June 15, 2009

Packing and Moving

New Roomie on the left (Julie). Old roommates on the Right (Charlotte and Sarah.) Char and Sarah are moving to NC and Julie is from FL.

Moving into a mansion this weekend!!! Moving out of my 425 square foot apartment that I have been sharing with 2 friends and a dog and moving into a 1000 square foot apartment with 2 other friends. I have been counting down the months that I could move since August and now I can count down the days. 
However, I am trying to kill all living stages of bed bugs. One way to do this is to fumigate everything I own (cost about $1200) or I can heat all my belongings. I am being very "ungreen" and putting everything in plastic bags and into my car. 

Even though it is June, the temperature has been in the 60s and the sun has barely made an appearance. As I was traveling outside the city today for work, I cranked up the heat in my car. I was sweating. It was a sauna in my car. BUT I know that I am killing ANYTHING that might be hiding in my stuff.  I am a bed bug killing machine. 

BUT sadly, I am sneaking out of my current apartment.  We want to be out of the apartment and away from our landlord when we let him know that we will not be renewing our lease. Knowing what he is capable of doing and seeing what he has done to previous tenants, it is in everyone's best interest to leave asap and silently. 

Living in 425 square feet with 2 roommates and a dog has been an unbelievable learning experience. I have learned the art of organization, the importance of cleaning, patience, and knowing that I can live just about anywhere.  Being in Ethiopia for 2 weeks also led me to realize that my current living situation will NEVER be as terrible as what millions of Ethiopians live in on a daily basis.  

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Gone Fishing

   Played on a coed soccer team--Urban Soccer League. We won 2 games the entire season, but we were crowned CHAMPS as we won the championship. Way to go Bootleggers.  Out goaly had to be taken away by paramedics after being tackled. He broke his ankle in 2 places and required surgery....

Found a new apartment!!!! I call it The Mansion.  WIll be moving 1/2 a mile down the road to Windsor Terrace (the WT)--5 blocks from Prospect Park and less than 1 block from the Greenwood Cemetery. Will be living with Julie (from Pensacola) and Alethea (from Charlotte).  I am gradually packing up my belongings, as I will be sneaking out of my current apartment.  We do not want my landlord to know when and where we are moving.  I will be going from sharing a 425 square foot apartment with 2 people to a 1000 square foot apartment. 

Saw a rheumatologist and a neurologist this past week and got about 10 viles of blood filled for testing and had a MRI of my brain done.  After 3 years of having bladder issues, I finally saw a urologist and after having a urodynamics test performed--it was found that my bladder is not functioning appropriately.  I was put on medication which has greatly changed my life!!!  This is apparently abnormal and unusual for someone in her 20's, so multiple specialists are involved to determine if there is an underlying cause.  If there is no underlying cause--I am going to be treated like a 60 year old woman.  I asked the urologist what might happen when I am 60. Her response, "We will cross that road when we get there." 

DEPENDS here we come :)