Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday 5-2-10 Cincinnati

Ran Flying Pig half
Cheers at mile 6!! Hard to
Say goodbye to fam

Friday 4-30-10 Cbus

Cbus re-unite
Remembrance of a life lost
Bring their hearts to you.

Saturday 5-1-10 Cincinnati
Six inches now gone
Will he still think i'm pretty?
All the family here.

Wednesday 4-28-10

Scallops with pasta.
My heart is being pursued
Be vulnerable

Thursday 4-29-10
Need guidance with work
Clinical staff are leaving
Do I look elsewhere?

Monday 4-26-10

Hurting for climbers
Whom impacted by Mike's death
Take away anger

Tuesday 4-27-10
A good morning text.
Julie's grandpa had a stroke.
Provider of peace

Saturday 4-24-10

A trip to the Gunks
Asked when did he accept Christ
Was vulnerable

Sunday 4-25-10
Ugh, Mike passed away
Spent day with Jason and Al
Surprises for Brock

Thursday 4-22-10

Big Daddy Diner
Had dinner with Justina
Good conversations

Friday 4-23-10
The Whitney Museum
Modern, American Art
Great night for walking

Tuesday 4-20-10

A hard day at work
Unsure of my future here
Guide, prepare my heart

Wednesday 4-21-10
Sprints around the track
And bouldering at the gym
He challenges me

Sunday 4-18-10

Breakfast with B-rock
Nine mile run to Bay Ridge
Strong passions inside

Monday 4-19-10
In the ICU
Head trauma. In a coma
Lord, capture Mike's heart

Friday 4-16-10

He met Nat and Doug
She is an amazing friend!
A blessing to me :)

Saturday 4-17-10
Brooklyn Flea Market
Friends, Dancing at B.O.B's
Challenge when "on-call"

Wednesday 4-14-10

I want to kiss him
Need direction from the Lord
Speak and guide my heart

Thursday 4-15-10
One month down. Eight left
He surprised me with Jeni's
And a candle, yay!

Monday 4-12-10

Praise for what He's done.
And thankful for who He is.
Sovereign. Forgiveness.

Tuesday 4-13-10
Face many battles
Do i trust Him or just wait?
Fear of trusting Him.

Saturday 4-10-10

Flowers and playground
It's seven zero zero
Climbed and held my hand.

Sunday 4-11-10
Perfect weather day
Long run along East River shoreline
Saw three waterfalls

Thursday 4-8-10

On Sunday he said
I looked pretty. Still smiling
Needed to hear that.

Friday 4-9-10
Sitting at the Galts
Precious kids, pizza, and games
Celebrate marriage

Tuesday 4-6-10

Have negative stress
Lively spirit drained from me
Will work get better?

Wednesday 4-7-10
Temp in the 80s
Long walk home from Moy's potluck
Smile on my face

Sunday 4-4-10

You arose for me
Still have times of disbelief
You remain faithful

Monday 4-5-10
Beautiful, smile!
Butler played Duke in b-ball
Duke won by 2 points :(

Friday April 2, 2010

He had no choice, but
to die on the cross, for me
Pain and suffering

Saturday 4-3-10
Thirteen point one race.
Julie ran a P.R. yay!!
Climbed with Brock outside

Wednesday 3-31-10

Last morning with Em
Goodbyes are never easy
Julie climbed tonight

Thursday 4-1-10
Ruth was fired, ugh
Wish it was April Fools joke
Gloomy, low morale.

Monday 3-29-10

Passover begins
Ate Diner burger, yummy!!!
A trip to Fairway.

Tuesday 3-30-10
All soaked to the bone
NY library, dinner
Jules finished taxes

Saturday 3-27-10

Time with Emily
UK lost to WVU
Manhattan tour

Sunday 3-28-10
Brooklyn day of fun
Coney Island and W-Burg
Final evening service

Thursday 3-25-10

B-ball Sweet Sixteen!
Texas Chili for Friday
Kentucky won, yay!!

Friday 3-26-10
Chilly, temps have dropped
Kahula cake and chili
Emily arrived!!!!

Tuesday 3-23-10

South Slope CG rocks!
Been 5 hours without pain.
Brock stuck in Denver

Wednesday 3-24-10
Applewood dinner
Five ladies, delicious food
Brooklyn restaurant week

Sunday 3-21-10

Cookout at Ron's place
Announced evening service is ending
My heart is torn, ugh

Monday 3-22-10
My heart is burdened
Pain in my stomach and heart
Need the bee to sting

Friday 3-19-10

Conference at CHOP
I'm drained from conversations
Brooklyn take me home

Saturday 3-20-10
Warm and sunny day
Heids made good analogies
Life is like a trail.

Wednesday 3-17-10

Celebrate Irish
Last day to drink alcohol
Double Windsor Fun!

Monday 3-15-10

Bad storms, schools were closed
Prescription filled for TB
Goal: No complaining.

Tuesday 3-16-10
B-Rock missed his flight
We spent the evening climbing
The doubts are fading

Saturday 3-13-10

Diner with Tricia
Mourning the loss of Rachel
Not ready to let go.

Sunday 3-14-10
Productive morning
Amazing time with Shannon
Very compassionate

Thursday 3-11-10

Happy birthday to Kris!
My heart is being pursued
Learning to have faith

Friday 3-12-10
Thai food with B-Rock
Interested in tumors
Rebuilt camero

Tuesday 3-9-10

On a crooked path
Thoughts spin around in my head
Set my heart on you

Wednesday 3-10-10
Painting with Georgia
Creative thoughts on canvas
Missing her father

Sunday 3-7-10

Spoke to church about trip
City Island with Justina
Crabs and red snapper

Monday 3-8-10
Dinner with B-rock
Porch chops, rice, salad, ice cream
I mentioned the kiss

Friday 3-5-10

A phone talk with Brock
Beers with Andy, Ben, and Jules
Great long talk with Kris

Saturday 3-6-10
Hiked Panther Mountain
Drank Pabst beer at the summit
In four feet of snow

Tuesday 3-2-10

Slept all through the night
Dinner with Laura and James
Chili, bread, and salsa

Thursday 3-4-10
Got the referral
Timnah and Solomon, YAY!
Family of six!!

Sunday 2-28-10

My butt is very bruised
Snowboarding for the first time
In the Poconos

Monday 3-1-10
Just slept five hours
Have to pee in the shower
Jet lagged and worn out

Friday 2-26-10 Addis

Anxious to get home
The men are missing their wives
Tick tock of the clock

Saturday 2-27-10 Brooklyn
Crazyman on the plane
Twenty six hours of travel
Its great to be home!

THursday 2-25-10

Visit Cure Hospital
Ortho, cleft lip and palate
Give smiles and feet!

Wednesday 2-24-10

Learned love is patient
Taught 16 girls how to knit
Skills for a lifetime
Monday 2-22-10
Met shy little Faud
Beautiful smile, conjo!
Forever friendship

Tuesday 2-23-10
Clinic in Kolfe
A large ring around the sun
Parade of the ark

Sunday 2-21-10

Worship Services
Churches of Lalibella
Left the countryside

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saturday 2-20-10

Hiked up the mountain
Kids wanting email and cash
Beautiful people

Friday 2-19-10

Hard cases today
Incurable diseases
His plan is perfect.

Thursday 2-18-10

A day of clinic
Gave out drugs and cleaned ears
Played soccer with boys

Wednesday 2-17-10

Ash Wednesday service
Repentance, change in lifestyle
Add scripture daily

Tuesday 2-16-10

Lidetta Clinic
Many perfs and sticks in ears
Jerod dinner danced

Monday 2-15-10

Re-unite with staff
Home visits and sharing my life
crafts with the girl's group

Sunday 2-14-10

Valentine's Day, muah!
Amy Rose is my Addis wife
Worshipped at St. Matt

Saturday 2-12-10

Sitting in the dark
arrived at 10 this morning
jet lagged, filled with joy

Friday 2-12-10

I'm off to Addis
Team of doctors and nurses
Sharing love and meds

Thursday 2-11-10

Date with Brockey Brock
Officially dating
This terrifies me

Wednesday 2-10-10

A foot of snow fell
played with Brock, George, and Eben
Ladies saw Swan Lake!

Tuesday 2-9-10

Climbing with Brockey Brock
He asked me to have dinner
Had to ask Julie

Monday 2-8-10

Dinner with Ansley
And Brandon. Had lasagna
Pound cake for dessert

Sunday 2-7-10

The Colts verse the Saints
Party and five random dips
Saints win yippee yay!

Saturday 2-6-10

Went to a Walmart
Crazy people and crowded
Never again, ick!

Friday 2-5-10

Marion Bridge Play
Three sisters re-uniting
Shauna was the star!

Thursday 2-4-10

Dinner with Alex
Energetic and very sweet
A photographer

Wednesday 2-3-10

Another child
With diagnosed hearing loss
Two days in a row

Tuesday 2-2-10

The Children's Hearing
Institute fundraiser and
Honor the Mallah's

Monday 2-1-10

Waiting on the Lord
Need to protect my heart but
Still learn how to love

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

SUnday 1-31-2010

High of twenty five
Last day of January
Chapped Lips, Windburn face

Saturday 1-30-2010

Have patience and wait
My heart yearns to be adored
Forever playmate

Friday 1-29-2010

Joseph Arthur played
At the City Winery
Excellent vocals

Thursday 1-28-2010

Another work day
Drinks afterwork for christine
Ate way too much food

Wednesday 1-27-2010

Dram Shop for Andy
Turned twenty seven years old
Shuffle board and darts

Tuesday 1-26-2010

Xray is normal
9 months of medications
no alcohol

Monday 1-25-2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away
Strong heavy winds and flooding
Need a boat, not car

Sunday 1-24-2010

Collecting supplies
Raising awareness of AIDs
Supporting mission

Saturday 1-23-2010

Cloisters with Georgia
She climbed outside for first time
Great conversations

Friday 1-22-2010

Chest x-ray today
positive PPD test
Results on Monday

Thursday 1-21-2010

Another long day
Patience and waiting are key
waiting on the Lord

Wednesday 1-20-2010

Took Georgia climbing
She felt excitement and joy
Reasons why i climb

Tuesday 1-19-2010

Caught the red eye flight
my body is depleted
rest is much needed

Monday 1-18-2010

Cal Academy
Full of Fish and Rainforests
Rainy day again

Sunday 1-17-2010

Resisting rain pour
Riding through Golden Gate streets
Almost fell downtown

January 16, 2010

Ventured up Mt. Tam
Four people, eleven miles
Red woods and great views

Friday January 14, 2010

Flying to San Fran
Excited to see Megan
Outdoors awaits us

Thursday January 14, 2010

Watched the Hangover
A hysterical movie
Laughter filled the air

Wednesday January 13, 2010

Earthquake in Haiti
Has killed hundred of thousands
Much devastation

Tuesday January 12, 2010

Made Minestrone Soup
New community group meets
Needed fellowship

Monday January 11, 2010

Two days old, life lost
Rachel Grace is now with You
Overwhelmed sad hearts

Sunday January 10, 2010

Zero this morning
said goodbye to Jess and Josh
And to the mountains

Saturday January 9, 2010

Trees covered in snow
Went snow shoeing in Vermont
Jessica and I

Friday January 8, 2010

The snow is falling
Blankets of white cover the earth
Amazing beauty

Thursday January 7, 2010

Alabama verse
Texas play for BCS
Title, Roll Tide Roll!

Tuesday January 5, 2010

My body is tired
Insecure and overwhelmed
need truth in my life

Monday January 4, 2010

According to Doug
My Haiku project is weird
But it portrays me

Saturday January 2, 2010

Orlando Airport
Waiting to go to Brooklyn
How I miss my home!

Friday January 1, 2010

It is New Years Day
A decade begins with cheer
Project is Haiku