Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday 5-2-10 Cincinnati

Ran Flying Pig half
Cheers at mile 6!! Hard to
Say goodbye to fam

Friday 4-30-10 Cbus

Cbus re-unite
Remembrance of a life lost
Bring their hearts to you.

Saturday 5-1-10 Cincinnati
Six inches now gone
Will he still think i'm pretty?
All the family here.

Wednesday 4-28-10

Scallops with pasta.
My heart is being pursued
Be vulnerable

Thursday 4-29-10
Need guidance with work
Clinical staff are leaving
Do I look elsewhere?

Monday 4-26-10

Hurting for climbers
Whom impacted by Mike's death
Take away anger

Tuesday 4-27-10
A good morning text.
Julie's grandpa had a stroke.
Provider of peace

Saturday 4-24-10

A trip to the Gunks
Asked when did he accept Christ
Was vulnerable

Sunday 4-25-10
Ugh, Mike passed away
Spent day with Jason and Al
Surprises for Brock

Thursday 4-22-10

Big Daddy Diner
Had dinner with Justina
Good conversations

Friday 4-23-10
The Whitney Museum
Modern, American Art
Great night for walking

Tuesday 4-20-10

A hard day at work
Unsure of my future here
Guide, prepare my heart

Wednesday 4-21-10
Sprints around the track
And bouldering at the gym
He challenges me

Sunday 4-18-10

Breakfast with B-rock
Nine mile run to Bay Ridge
Strong passions inside

Monday 4-19-10
In the ICU
Head trauma. In a coma
Lord, capture Mike's heart

Friday 4-16-10

He met Nat and Doug
She is an amazing friend!
A blessing to me :)

Saturday 4-17-10
Brooklyn Flea Market
Friends, Dancing at B.O.B's
Challenge when "on-call"

Wednesday 4-14-10

I want to kiss him
Need direction from the Lord
Speak and guide my heart

Thursday 4-15-10
One month down. Eight left
He surprised me with Jeni's
And a candle, yay!

Monday 4-12-10

Praise for what He's done.
And thankful for who He is.
Sovereign. Forgiveness.

Tuesday 4-13-10
Face many battles
Do i trust Him or just wait?
Fear of trusting Him.

Saturday 4-10-10

Flowers and playground
It's seven zero zero
Climbed and held my hand.

Sunday 4-11-10
Perfect weather day
Long run along East River shoreline
Saw three waterfalls

Thursday 4-8-10

On Sunday he said
I looked pretty. Still smiling
Needed to hear that.

Friday 4-9-10
Sitting at the Galts
Precious kids, pizza, and games
Celebrate marriage

Tuesday 4-6-10

Have negative stress
Lively spirit drained from me
Will work get better?

Wednesday 4-7-10
Temp in the 80s
Long walk home from Moy's potluck
Smile on my face

Sunday 4-4-10

You arose for me
Still have times of disbelief
You remain faithful

Monday 4-5-10
Beautiful, smile!
Butler played Duke in b-ball
Duke won by 2 points :(

Friday April 2, 2010

He had no choice, but
to die on the cross, for me
Pain and suffering

Saturday 4-3-10
Thirteen point one race.
Julie ran a P.R. yay!!
Climbed with Brock outside

Wednesday 3-31-10

Last morning with Em
Goodbyes are never easy
Julie climbed tonight

Thursday 4-1-10
Ruth was fired, ugh
Wish it was April Fools joke
Gloomy, low morale.

Monday 3-29-10

Passover begins
Ate Diner burger, yummy!!!
A trip to Fairway.

Tuesday 3-30-10
All soaked to the bone
NY library, dinner
Jules finished taxes

Saturday 3-27-10

Time with Emily
UK lost to WVU
Manhattan tour

Sunday 3-28-10
Brooklyn day of fun
Coney Island and W-Burg
Final evening service

Thursday 3-25-10

B-ball Sweet Sixteen!
Texas Chili for Friday
Kentucky won, yay!!

Friday 3-26-10
Chilly, temps have dropped
Kahula cake and chili
Emily arrived!!!!

Tuesday 3-23-10

South Slope CG rocks!
Been 5 hours without pain.
Brock stuck in Denver

Wednesday 3-24-10
Applewood dinner
Five ladies, delicious food
Brooklyn restaurant week

Sunday 3-21-10

Cookout at Ron's place
Announced evening service is ending
My heart is torn, ugh

Monday 3-22-10
My heart is burdened
Pain in my stomach and heart
Need the bee to sting

Friday 3-19-10

Conference at CHOP
I'm drained from conversations
Brooklyn take me home

Saturday 3-20-10
Warm and sunny day
Heids made good analogies
Life is like a trail.

Wednesday 3-17-10

Celebrate Irish
Last day to drink alcohol
Double Windsor Fun!

Monday 3-15-10

Bad storms, schools were closed
Prescription filled for TB
Goal: No complaining.

Tuesday 3-16-10
B-Rock missed his flight
We spent the evening climbing
The doubts are fading

Saturday 3-13-10

Diner with Tricia
Mourning the loss of Rachel
Not ready to let go.

Sunday 3-14-10
Productive morning
Amazing time with Shannon
Very compassionate

Thursday 3-11-10

Happy birthday to Kris!
My heart is being pursued
Learning to have faith

Friday 3-12-10
Thai food with B-Rock
Interested in tumors
Rebuilt camero

Tuesday 3-9-10

On a crooked path
Thoughts spin around in my head
Set my heart on you

Wednesday 3-10-10
Painting with Georgia
Creative thoughts on canvas
Missing her father

Sunday 3-7-10

Spoke to church about trip
City Island with Justina
Crabs and red snapper

Monday 3-8-10
Dinner with B-rock
Porch chops, rice, salad, ice cream
I mentioned the kiss

Friday 3-5-10

A phone talk with Brock
Beers with Andy, Ben, and Jules
Great long talk with Kris

Saturday 3-6-10
Hiked Panther Mountain
Drank Pabst beer at the summit
In four feet of snow

Tuesday 3-2-10

Slept all through the night
Dinner with Laura and James
Chili, bread, and salsa

Thursday 3-4-10
Got the referral
Timnah and Solomon, YAY!
Family of six!!

Sunday 2-28-10

My butt is very bruised
Snowboarding for the first time
In the Poconos

Monday 3-1-10
Just slept five hours
Have to pee in the shower
Jet lagged and worn out

Friday 2-26-10 Addis

Anxious to get home
The men are missing their wives
Tick tock of the clock

Saturday 2-27-10 Brooklyn
Crazyman on the plane
Twenty six hours of travel
Its great to be home!

THursday 2-25-10

Visit Cure Hospital
Ortho, cleft lip and palate
Give smiles and feet!

Wednesday 2-24-10

Learned love is patient
Taught 16 girls how to knit
Skills for a lifetime
Monday 2-22-10
Met shy little Faud
Beautiful smile, conjo!
Forever friendship

Tuesday 2-23-10
Clinic in Kolfe
A large ring around the sun
Parade of the ark

Sunday 2-21-10

Worship Services
Churches of Lalibella
Left the countryside