Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rainy Days

Another rainy day....
I have experienced more rain since moving to NYC then I did all of last year in San Antonio. I was use to blue skies and warmth.  Now I have rain, cold, and darkness beginning at 4:30pm.  The worst is walking a mile in cold rain--no matter all the effort I put into staying dry, I will be wet. 

Last Wednesday, I saw an orthopedic doctor for my foot. It has been hurting since the Scranton Marathon.  Before I saw him, I thought of worst and best case scenarios...Best: give me some physical therapy and i'll be ready to start running.  Worst: boot me. 

The Worst was chosen. I am now wearing Betty Boot Jr.--the smaller version of my original boot that I got in January.  An MRI was done on Tuesday and I will find the results out on Friday.  A positive side, I will most likely be able to start running around Christmas and should be able to run Boston in April, even though I should technically begin training the beginning of December... 

So now, I have the opportunity to walk 2 miles a day in Betty Boot Jr (she does not stay dry in rain), go up in down subway stairs, and balance myself while riding the subway.  Occasionally a nice person will let me sit down.  Some people look at my single boot and ask if I am ready for ski season.....


Emily said...

Sounds like living in London!

Kelly said...

Bummer. At least Betty #2 is smaller this time. (Not sure that's any consolation!)