Friday, September 5, 2008


Hannah is extremely popular in New York-- engulfing the media, news, and topics of conversation.  Rain and high winds are expected.  After experiencing tropical storm Erin last year in San Antonio with 11 inches of rain in one day, poor sewage systems and signs that said "don't drown, turn around," I think I can handle Hannah. 

Being in New York and living in the city has definitely been a learning experience about material possessions, especially my car. As apart of my job at the New York Eye and Ear, I travel to Westchester County (north of Manhattan) to the elementary and middle schools to provide audiological services to the hearing impaired students.  Two weeks ago, while on the highway in Queens, I got hit from behind. It hurt my back and caused minimal damage to my car. Through insurance, I got my car fixed (they also fixed all the bumps incurred from people hitting while parked on the street).  I had a perfectly good bumper for one week. While in the elementary school parking lot yesterday, I was hit again.  This time, part of the bumper fell off and became dented. I put the bumper back on and now it's just has a dent and some "wrinkles."

A car is just a car, nothing more. It still works and I'm safe.  Many people have been telling me that I should have the mom in the mini van pay for the damage--but I did not want to go through my insurance again. Accidents happen. My bumper is going to continue get bumped/hit.  Getting mad or upset definitely won't improve the situation or change what has happened. My car is just going to have extra character from living in the city. 

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Wow. You have an amazing attitude! Besides the car accidents, have you enjoyed your time at the schools?